Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator

This article includes the TI-83, the TI-83 Plus, the TI-84 Plus, and the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition.

Performing a soft reset

Resetting the calculator's RAM

These instructions will delete all data on your calculator except applications and other archived data. Therefore, if you have anything important saved in your RAM such as programs, you should back up your calculator before proceeding. However, this step will fix most otherwise unfixable problems.

  1. Turn the calculator on.
  2. Press 2nd then the + button to access the Memory menu.
  3. Choose option 7 ("Reset...")
  4. Choose the first option ("All RAM...")
  5. Choose the second option ("Reset")
  6. The calculator will reset the RAM.

Resetting ALL of the calculator's memory

These instructions will delete ALL data from your calculator including applications and other archived data. You should back up your calculator before proceeding. Unless you backup first, the only way to restore the applications on the calculator is to download them individually from education.ti.com. Only reset your calculator in this way if you have no other option of fixing it.

  1. Turn the calculator on.
  2. Press 2nd then the + button to access the Memory menu.
  3. Choose option 7 ("Reset...")
  4. Move to the third tab ("ALL")
  5. Choose the first option ("All Memory...")
  6. Choose the second option ("Reset")
  7. The calculator will reset the memory.

Performing a hard reset

Using the AAA batteries

Sometimes your calculator may freeze and you can't access the Memory menu. These steps will perform a RAM reset (so the same warnings apply as above).

  1. Turn the calculator on. If the calculator is off when you remove the batteries, the calculator won't reset.
  2. Remove one or more of the batteries from the back of the calculator.
  3. The calculator will reset the RAM.

Using the backup battery

In some rare cases, the above steps will not work. In such cases, perform the following steps to reset the RAM. However, if you leave the backup battery removed for too long in step 5, your calculator will reset ALL memory. The same warnings apply as above.

You will need a small Phillips screwdriver to remove the backup battery.

  1. Turn the calculator on.
  2. Remove ONE of the batteries from the back of the calculator.
  3. Using the screwdriver, remove the screw holding the backup battery panel in the battery compartment on the back of the calculator.
  4. Remove the backup battery from behind its panel. It's a watch battery. You may need to use the screwdriver to pry it out.
  5. Leave the battery and the backup battery out for a few minutes. DON'T leave it out for too long, or all your memory will be reset!
  6. Reinstall the batteries and turn the calculator on.

If the problem persists, try leaving the batteries out for longer periods of time.